Friday, March 30, 2007

The Charles Darwin theory on blogging

As I have prepared more material for this blog, I have had an influx of ideas that are not precisely in accordance with the initial purpose of this blog. I initially designed this in a way that restrained the topics to those of Biblical theology that were discussed early in the church that play a important role to the Christian experience and understanding.

And there is a problem. I think about anything and everything remotely related to the religious experience and understanding of Christianity. For instance I seriously doubt that the idea of linguistics was a topic of discussion within the early church. Do not worry though, I don't plan on boring you tremendously on that topic, except only so far as I think it has important applications to Christian understanding and experience (as I did early in the literal vs. allegorical posts).

So, to be brief, there will be an evolution (such an ugly word) of the purpose here. The main purpose is the same ultimately, the discover the true basics of the faith and to phase out certain understands that impede a more complete knowledge and experience of Christianity, but what topics are up for writing is being broadened.

Tis probably natural though, as this is still less than a month old. I'm still exploring and learning how to approach this, both in topic and style.

So for once Charles Darwin's theory of evolution can be applied somewhere and it be right.....

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