2) To prove Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick's existence, think about pain. If there is some type of pain, there is obviously the perfect form of pain. Therefore, Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick does indeed exist.
3) The wages of angering Chuck Norris is a roundhouse kick.
4) Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick is Chuck Norris' revelation of himself
5) The destroyer that Paul refers to in 1 Corinthians 10:10 is in fact Chuck Norris.
6) It is a little known fact that the earliest manuscripts of 1 Peter 2:17 say "Fear God and then fear Chuck Norris"
7) Vengeance is the Lord's and Chuck Norris is His vessel
8) For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son. But God so hated the rest of them that He sent Chuck Norris.
9) Many people do not pronounce the name of Chuck Norris for fear of using his name in vain and him coming to roundhouse kick them.
10) Any references to Chuck Norris showing emotion is an anthropomorphism because Chuck Norris has no emotion.
Yes, this is what you get when you have a insomniac who is now hopped up on caffeine (I have somewhere to be early this morning). I nearly considered nixing this post, but I went through all the effort so I'll keep it up, if for no other reason than to show you how horrible my sense of humor is.
Never mind Chuck Norris -- Steve Hofmeyr is our man!
Well, lucky for you that I am inclusivist (and not pluralist) so I can accept truth about Steve Hofmeyr although maintain Chuck Norris as supreme and central in my belief.
But be careful though, that might anger Chuckie!
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