Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I'm a genius! AND Proof that Google is better than Yahoo

According to this site here, my blog reading level is at the undergrad level. However, every separate post that I checked put my posts at the genius level. I am truly baffled by this. Is my profile text so dumb that it brings down my level from genius to undergrad (that would be pretty impressive since my personal info is only two sentences).

Secondly, it proves I am superior that many of those other blogs out there, like Chris Tilling's and Jim West's. Heck, it is even higher than Ben Witherington's. Guys like Myers and Leithart have postgraduate levels though, so expect me to add some 5 and 6 syllable words to my profile info in order to meet their level.

So this clearly means that my blog is superior to many of those other blogs. Either that or no one can read what the heck I write.

Also, if you put in Google.com, it will come out at a genius level. Whereas Yahoo.com comes out at a junior high level. Proof that Google is better. It makes you smarter.

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