Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Transfering blog to WordPress

Since I got some web space and since I have found that WordPress is more flexible than Blogspot, I am deciding to switch my blog over. It can be accessed at http://blog.renewedtheology.net though I have yet to really be completed as I want it to be, so this is still the "official" blog. I want to move certain posts over to WordPress and get a couple other things set up. Once I do that, I'll then make my final post to this blog location informing you it is complete.

Also, there has been a fiasco with domains and what not (long story). The result is that I went ahead and bought renewedtheology.net in addition. Renewedtheology.com works, but it simple redirects to the .net domain.

Most importantly though, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

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